Salary Loan

Iloilo Loans offer salary loan to private employees in the following industry:

1. Banking and other financial institution
2. School employees and universities
3. Pharmaceutical companies
4. Construction Firm
5. Mall and supermarket employees
6. Manufacturing companies
7. Other companies as long as private

  Qualifications and documentary requirements:

21 to 59 years old upon maturity
Filipino citizen
Must have contact numbers

Documentary requirements:

Completely filled up application form
2x2 picture
Latest/ original proof of billing (electric/water)
2valid id's
2 months paylips
Certificate of employment stating the yearly compensation and vice versa

Co-maker requirements:

2x2 picture
2 valid id's
Latest proof of billing ( Meralco/water)
Proof of income  preferably 2 month payslips

Note: co maker to be follow until the loan is already approved

Rates and processing:

Salary loan is 3% per month* up to 9 months maximum payment terms.
The lower the term is, the lower the interest.
Maximum of  1,000,000 pesos can be loan and not less than 20,000 pesos.

Processing duration is up to 2 weeks as long as your requirements are complete.

Mode of payment

When the loan is granted you are required to submit a post dated check as your payment gateway.